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Triple digit temperatures pushing football games back, schools making accommodations for players and performers

Triple digit temperatures pushing football games back, schools making accommodations for players and performers(KATV){p}{/p}
Triple digit temperatures pushing football games back, schools making accommodations for players and performers(KATV)

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Three-digit temperatures: three words no one wants to hear when you have to spend time outside.

But those are the temperatures school bands and football teams have to perform in this week.

"Marching season which coincides with football season starts off really hot and it is usually cold by the end so you get to experience everything," said Sylvan Hills High School Band Director, Mark Bailey.

The Arkansas Activities Association has recommended school districts shift their practice times, and Bailey said they are already on that when it comes to his band.

"We try to time most of our rehearsals in the morning so it is not the heat of the day. We know that in the upcoming season we will have some things, usually not in the middle of the day but the things later in the evening, especially with the heat coming up this week will be pretty hot," said Bailey.

When it comes to moving practices, schools have a choice of following the Wet Bulb Globe Guidelines from AAA.

Those guidelines measure heat and humidity levels for practices and work to prevent heat strokes.

Bailey said heat is nothing new to their band, and they are prepared.

"We do understand the hydration guidelines and we try to follow those. We get the students acclimated to the heat and we are watching the heat index and things like that," said Bailey.

Bailey said as long as the football players are on the field, the band will be there to cheer them on.

"Generally we are just on the field for less than 10 minutes. We do play in the bandstand which can sometimes get a little. If the athletes are out on the field than we can usually handle the heat in the stands," said Bailey.

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